
General manager

Scientific Director

Dr. Florent PRATLONG
Deputy General Director

Catherine GALL
Executive Director

Zaheer ALLAM
Associate Researcher (15-minute City )

Research project manager

Research engineer

Seunghoon Han

Head of the IAE Paris Research Department

Raphael HAGET
IAE Research Engineer

Elin Andersdotter FABRE

Professor University of Sherbrooke - Canada

Léo-Paul Dana
Professor at Dalhousie University (Canada) and at Montpellier Business School (France)
Chaired by Prof. Carlos Moreno and with the ex officio presence of Prof. Didier Chabaud and Dr. Florent Pratlong, director and deputy director of the eTi Chair, a scientific committee, made up of leading international and national personalities, is in the process of foreshadowing:
- Dr Lorraine Amollo Ambole, Living Lab, University of Nairobi, Kenya, Fellow in ‘Sustainable Urbanization II’ (World Social Science Fellows Program)
- Prof. Franck Barès, Past-Director of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Department, HEC Montreal, Canada.
- Prof. Tereza Cristina Carvalho, Sc. Engineer in Technology Innovation and Sustainable Development, Escola Politecnica USP, Brazil
- Prof. Sunil Dubey, architecture, design & planning Department, The University of Sydney, Australia, former Director of Metropolis World Organization in South Asia
- Prof. Alain Fayolle, EM Lyon, France, Past-President, Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division
- Nikos Fintikakis, architect, Greece, Vice-president of the International Union of Architects (UIA)
- Dr Marc Giget, member of the French Academy of Technologies and President of the European Institute of Creative Innovation Strategies
- Dr Karuna Gopal, President Foundation for Futuristic Cities, India
- Prof. Aawatif Hayar, Hassan II University Casablanca Morocco
- Dr Christyl Johnson, Deputy Center Director for Technology and Research Investments at NASA, USA, Former executive director National Science & Technology Council, (White House)
- Prof. Catherine Léger-Jarniou, Paris Dauphine University, France, President of the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Prof. Natalia Novillo, anthropologist, FLACSO University Latin America, Director of Cities & Climate Change
- Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva Fernando, President of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-resources, Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal, VP International Urban Development association, INTA.
- Prof Denise Pumain, Geographer, University Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne, member of the Institut de France, Prix Vautrin Lud 2010
- Prof. Elvira A. Quintero, architect – Dr in Literature, Director of the Literature Department Universidad del Cauca, Colombia, Premio Dámaso Alonso 2018 from the Academia Hispanoamericana de Buenas Letras.
- Prof. Carlo Ratti, Urban Technologies and Planning, MIT, United States
- Prof. Sylvie Sammut, Director of the MRM-Entrepreneurship laboratory, Montpellier-Management, University of Montpellier, France.
- Prof Saskia Sassen, sociologist, Columbia University, United States.
- Gaetan Siew, architect, Mauritius, former president of the International Union of Architects.
- Prof. Ryad Titah, Electronic Government and Digital Cities, HEC Montreal, Canada. Former President of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)
- Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize 2006